Monday, October 25, 2010

Paying it Forward for Small Business

Are you "Paying it Forward" for your local Small Business?  Are they doing the same?
 I'm always looking for ways to help make any situation better.  Recently I purchased beads from a local bead store and used them to make pieces for my jewelry business (LR Coastal Art).  I  was so happy with the customer service and selection in this local establishment, what followed just seemed like the natural progression for me.  I feel like I have created a friendship with the owners and operaters of the store that will be cherished for a long time to come.  We all are hearing how difficult this economy is, and that the Small Business success is going to help the situation.  But what do we all do as consumers to Pay it Forward

When I finished my necklace I wrote about it here on my blog and included a small notation of my source for the supplies needed.  I encluded a link to their website and received numerous comments from people near and far about how much they loved the store. i  Not only did it feel good to share, but in doing this it provided free advertising for the store.  Who doesn't like FREE?

I know I have many different sources for my beading needs, but if I can put back something into my community, it's worth the effort.  If I can get just one new customer to this small business I consider I've "Paid it Forward."  It's time to think outside the box.  This also works in the opposite way...if you are patronizing a Small Business in your community and they choose to do business with Big Box stores, etc. when they could be buying from you; maybe it's time to rethink where you do your business. 

With the social media we all have access to, it just makes since to do the right thing.  Positive results from a sales clerk in your local hardware store can make the difference between success and failure.  So often I hear people complaining about bad service.  So next time you think "what can I do to help the situation with this economy?" think outside the box. Do what ever you can to help out that Small Business. Say something, do something to make a difference.  No matter how small it never know the outcome.